Thursday, October 29, 2009

Oct29 2009 - Finished chapter 9

Finally finished chapter 9. I can concentrate on Call Manager and Unity features now.
BTW, the remaining chapters pretty much concentrate on CM and Unity features which my home lab is more than adequate.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Oct18 - Working on chapter 6

I 've been spending an average of 1 - 2 hours per day on the lab. Finally completed upto chapter 6 today.
Also, been reading up on dial-plan and the relationship between partition , calling search space , route list , route group ,  route pattern and how they fit into phone/device and line.

On the home lab setup, ever since I started to connect CIPC into BR1 router, dynamip started to freeze. I am using x-lite SIP phones in the same vlan as the HQ phones now. That worked out OK for me.
I don't think it matters wherever you place the phone , as long as you understand the Call Manager dial-plan and how the pieces fit together.
Next week , going to start on Call Manager and Unity Connection integration. Should be interesting.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Voice lab module 1 & 2 completed via GNS and vmware

Gotten a new quad-core PC with 8 gig of memory.
I am very glad that I purchased this PC. It made my study much easier and faster.
Well worth the $$ spent.

I spent the last 2 days putting the topology and virtual phones together with CallManager and finally got it working.

The routers topology as seen using GNS3

The router consoles using wintab

The SIP and SCCP phones

And finally the CallManager