Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Extension Mobility made easy - 20 minutes

Cisco Extension Mobility allows users to temporarily access their Cisco IP Phone configuration such as line appearances, services, and speed dials from other Cisco IP Phones.

1. Add new phone service , name it "Extention Mobility" - Device/Device Setting/Phone Services
 Use following URL for ext-mobility : http://yourCUCM_ip_addr:8080/emapp/EMAppServlet?device=#DEVICENAME#  . You can get this URL from the CUCM help menu

2. Add new "Device Profile" for your IP phone , let 's name it "EM-7970" under menu Device/Device Setting/Device Profile . This device profile is dependent on the type of IP phone you have , ie. 7970 , 7960 ...  So if you have 2 different types of IP phones, you need to create 2 separate Device profiles, i.e EM-7970, EM-7960 ... Add DN to this Device-Profile, for ex: DN=1002, PT = PT-internal. Also need to subscribe this "Device Profile" to Ex-Mo service (otherwise user cannot log out of Ex-Mo).

3. Configure end-user - under menu User Management/End Users, add new user or open an existing user, select Extension Mobility Available Profile "EM-7970" (added in step 2). Make sure the usual end-user groups (CTI enabled, CCM user ...) are configured, "allow control of device from CTI" BOX is checked and user is associated to a Phone (Controlled Device).

4. Configure IP phone - under menu Device / Phone, select a phone.  Checked on BOX labeled "Enabled Extention Mobility" and select Log out profile to "EM-7970" (configured in step 2).  Subscribe phone to "Extention Mobility" service (configured in step 1).  Reset phone as needed.

5. To test EM, on a same type IP phone , i.e. 7970, select service button. Phone should prompt with UserID and PIN # to log in. Once user is successfully logged in, phone will reset with correct softkey and button template.

1 comment:

  1. Mobility aids help you walk or move from place to place if you are disabled, aged, or have an injury. Mobility aids include items such as walkers, canes, crutches, manual and electric wheelchairs and motorized scooters. Walking aids are tools designed to assist walking or enable mobility.
