Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Barge and cBarge on CUCM
To add Barge or cBarge :
- Barge:
- Device / Phone : turn Privacy to OFF (default is ON)
- Device / Phone : set Built In Bridge to ON
- Device / Phone : select Single Button Barge to either Barge or cBarge (default is OFF)
- Device / Phone : select a Softkey Template. For Barge, a Standard User template is sufficient
- Device / Phone : add a shared-line DN, i.e 2001 for both test phones
- cBarge:
- Device / Phone : turn Privacy to OFF (default is ON)
- Device / Phone : set Built In Bridge to ON
- Device / Phone : select Single Button Barge to either Barge or cBarge (default is OFF)
- Device / Phone : select a Softkey Template. For cBarge, copy Standard User template to a new template and add cBarge softkey in call state "Remote In Use"
- Device / Phone : add a shared-line DN, i.e 2001 for both test phones
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Tasks notes - important, go over
- CUE and CME:
- add voice translation-rule/profile for VM numbers
- enable SIP - H323 interwork via "voice service voip"
- bind SIP to interface gig0/0.230 (or same interface with CME)
- enable SIP-UA
- add Dial-Peer to make sure calls will reach CUE with SIP protocol and G711u - don't forget to include voice translation-profile
- add Dial-Peer to make sure MWI numbers will use G711u
- add num-exp (i.e num-exp 3500 21313500) to enable calls from PSTN to reach VM
- add voicemail number in CME and call-forward in ephone-dn
- add MWI on/off ephone-dn
- add Transcoder into CME if VM access from other sites (HQ or BR1) is needed
- use CUE Wizard for rest of task
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
AAR simplified in 5 minutes
In brief, AAR is for Automated Alternate Routing in case the WAN/IP network routing or bandwidth is restrictive to pass voice calls. Don't confuse this with SRST which is another subject
Procedure to setup AAR:
Procedure to setup AAR:
- Decrease the bandwidth between sites so that a voice call wont have enough bandwidth, i.e change location bandwidth to 20K (minimum is 24K for g728 and 80K for g711).
- on CUCM, Call-Routing / AAR-Group, add AAR-HQ, AAR-BR1 ...
- Depend on the DialPlan configured previously, there 're 2 scenarios here for AAR routing.
- If you configured global Route-Pattern \+! then adding Translation-Pattern to route calls , there 're no need to add Dial_prefix between sites since the global RP \+! should match all routes.
- If you configured multiple RP for local/LD/INTL numbers, then calls using PSTN from HQ to BR1 should include prefix 9 (if BR1 External Phone Number Mask is 11 digits , i.e 1312301XXXX) or prefix 91 (if BR1 External Phone Number Mask is 10 digits , i.e 312301XXXX) and local calls inside HQ should use prefix 9 .
- Update both HQ and BR1 Device/Phone AAR-CSS and AAR-Group with appropriate info.
- Update both HQ and BR1 Device/Phone/Line AAR Settings with appropriate AAR Group.
- Update both HQ and BR1 Gateway AAR-CSS and AAR-Group with appropriate info.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tasks: configure HQ gw as IPIPGW aka CUBE to handle SIP calls from CUCM to BR2 CME
Recall that CUCM is using a SIP-TRUNK and codec g711u while CME on the BR2 side is using H.323 and codec g729r8.
allow-connections h323 to h323
allow-connections h323 to sip
allow-connections sip to h323
allow-connections sip to sip
bind control source-interface Loopback0
bind media source-interface Loopback0
interface Loopback0
ip address
ip ospf network point-to-point
h323-gateway voip interface
h323-gateway voip h323-id HQ-IPIPGW
h323-gateway voip bind srcaddr
no dspfarm
dsp services dspfarm
sccp local GigabitEthernet0/0.30
sccp ccm
sccp ip precedence 3
sccp ccm group 1
associate ccm 1 priority 1
associate profile 1 register HQ-XCODER
dspfarm profile 1 transcode
maximum sessions 2
associate application SCCP
sdspfarm units 1
sdspfarm transcode sessions 2
sdspfarm tag 1 HQ-XCODER
max-ephones 2
max-dn 4
ip source-address port 2000
create cnf-files
description ==== IPIPGW h323 to BR2 area code
destination-pattern 4423.T
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
no vad
codec g729r8
dial-peer voice 1001 voip
description ==== abbrev. dialing to BR2 internal IP phones
destination-pattern 3...$
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
no vad
ip address
ip ospf network point-to-point
h323-gateway voip interface
h323-gateway voip h323-id BR2
h323-gateway voip bind srcaddr
rule 2 /^44232131\(3\)\(...\)$/ /\1\2/ ==== strip to 3xxx for BR2 IP phones
rule 3 /^4423\(........\)$/ /9\1/ ==== strip to 9xxxxxxxx for BR2 local calls
voice translation-profile teho-cucm-to-br2
translate called 1
dial-peer voice 2000 voip
description ==== incoming from CUCM
translation-profile incoming teho-cucm-to-br2
incoming called-number 4423.T
dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
no vad
codec g729r8
rule 1 /1\(...\)$/ /7752011\1/
rule 2 /1\(...\)$/ /3123012\1/
voice translation-pro to-cucm
translate called 2
dial-peer voice 2001 voip
description ==== from BR2 to CUCM
translation-profile outgoing to-cucm
preference 1
destination-pattern [1-2]...$
session target ipv4: ==== this is HQ Loop 0 int
dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
codec g729r8
no vad
description ==== BR2 calls to CUCM
preference 1
destination-pattern 775.T
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4: ==== this is CUCM IP addrs
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
codec g711ulaw
set SIP-TRUNK-IPIPGW with CSS-IPIPGW , significant-digits = ALL
add translation-pattern , pattern = 775201.XXXX , PT = PT-IPIPGW , CSS = CSS-IPIPGW
Additional tasks for BR2 to call HQ area code numbers
translation-profile outgoing teho-to-cucm
destination-pattern 9001312.T
session target ipv4:
codec g729r8
dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
no vad
description ==== handle calls from BR2 , teho to BR1 area
destination-pattern 312.T
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
codec g729r8
dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
Recall that CUCM is using a SIP-TRUNK and codec g711u while CME on the BR2 side is using H.323 and codec g729r8.
- config HQ gw as IPIPGW with SIP interfacing CUCM and H323 toward BR2 CME
allow-connections h323 to h323
allow-connections h323 to sip
allow-connections sip to h323
allow-connections sip to sip
bind control source-interface Loopback0
bind media source-interface Loopback0
interface Loopback0
ip address
ip ospf network point-to-point
h323-gateway voip interface
h323-gateway voip h323-id HQ-IPIPGW
h323-gateway voip bind srcaddr
- config HQ gw with DSP resource to do transcoding. NOTE: IPIPGW binds to Loopback0 while DSP resources bind to Gig0/0.30. Test by calling from HQ toward BR2 PSTN and place both phones off-hook. If TRANSCODING is not working , will get busy tone when going off-hook.
no dspfarm
dsp services dspfarm
sccp local GigabitEthernet0/0.30
sccp ccm
sccp ip precedence 3
sccp ccm group 1
associate ccm 1 priority 1
associate profile 1 register HQ-XCODER
dspfarm profile 1 transcode
maximum sessions 2
associate application SCCP
sdspfarm units 1
sdspfarm transcode sessions 2
sdspfarm tag 1 HQ-XCODER
max-ephones 2
max-dn 4
ip source-address port 2000
create cnf-files
- config HW gw with a dial-peer to point H323 dialed string to BR2
description ==== IPIPGW h323 to BR2 area code
destination-pattern 4423.T
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
no vad
codec g729r8
dial-peer voice 1001 voip
description ==== abbrev. dialing to BR2 internal IP phones
destination-pattern 3...$
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
no vad
- Add a SIP-TRUNK on CUCM, this is SIP trunk from CUCM to HQ gw. Device-name = SIP-TRUNK-IPIPGW , DP = HQ , location = HQ , SIP destination-address = HQ Loopback0
- Add this SIP-TRUNK into RG-BR2 .
- Add RL-TEHO-HQ-TO-BR2 with 1st RG = RG-BR2 (Use Calling Party's External Phone Number Mask = ON , Discard Digits = predot) , 2nd RG = RG-HQ (Use Calling Party's External Phone Number Mask = ON , Discard Digits = predot , Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls) = 011 ) .
- Add Route-Pattern 9011.4423XXXXXXXX , partition = PT-HQ-INTL , Route-List = RL-TEHO-HQ-TO-BR2 , urgent priority , strip PREDOT .
- For abbrev. dialing to BR2 internal IP phones , add following : RL = RL-TEHO-HQ-TO-BR2-INTERNAL with 1st RG = RG-BR2 (Use Calling Party's External Phone Number Mask = ON , Discard Digits = predot) , 2nd RG = RG-HQ (Use Calling Party's External Phone Number Mask = ON , Discard Digits = predot , Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls) = 01144232131 ) . Pretty much same RL as on step 3 , except for the PSTN dialing part . Add Router-Pattern 3XXX , PT = PT-internal , RL = RL-TEHO-HQ-TO-BR2-INTERNAL
- config BR2 as H323 GW
ip address
ip ospf network point-to-point
h323-gateway voip interface
h323-gateway voip h323-id BR2
h323-gateway voip bind srcaddr
- config voice translation-rule & dial-peer to handle incoming calls from VOIP
rule 2 /^44232131\(3\)\(...\)$/ /\1\2/ ==== strip to 3xxx for BR2 IP phones
rule 3 /^4423\(........\)$/ /9\1/ ==== strip to 9xxxxxxxx for BR2 local calls
voice translation-profile teho-cucm-to-br2
translate called 1
dial-peer voice 2000 voip
description ==== incoming from CUCM
translation-profile incoming teho-cucm-to-br2
incoming called-number 4423.T
dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
no vad
codec g729r8
Test calls by calling from HQ phones to BR2 internal phones + BR2 area PSTN numbers
- config voice translation-rule and dial-peer in BR2 for abbrev. dialing to CUCM
rule 1 /1\(...\)$/ /7752011\1/
rule 2 /1\(...\)$/ /3123012\1/
voice translation-pro to-cucm
translate called 2
dial-peer voice 2001 voip
description ==== from BR2 to CUCM
translation-profile outgoing to-cucm
preference 1
destination-pattern [1-2]...$
session target ipv4: ==== this is HQ Loop 0 int
dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
codec g729r8
no vad
- config IPIPGW dial-peer to handle incoming calls from BR2
description ==== BR2 calls to CUCM
preference 1
destination-pattern 775.T
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4: ==== this is CUCM IP addrs
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
codec g711ulaw
- config CUCM to handle incoming calls from BR2
set SIP-TRUNK-IPIPGW with CSS-IPIPGW , significant-digits = ALL
add translation-pattern , pattern = 775201.XXXX , PT = PT-IPIPGW , CSS = CSS-IPIPGW
Additional tasks for BR2 to call HQ area code numbers
- dial-peer voice 2002 voip ==== dial-peer on BR2
description ==== from BR2 to CUCM area code
preference 1
destination-pattern 9001775.......$
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
codec g729r8
- voice translation-rule 1 ==== add voice translation-rule on HQ GW
rule 3 /9001\(.*\)/ /\1/
voice translation-profile DID
translate called 1
dial-peer voice 1002 voip ==== same dial-peer configured before on HQ
translation-profile incoming DID
incoming called-number . - on CUCM , add other PT such as PT-HQ-LOCAL , PT-HQ-LD into CSS-IPIPGW .
- Add Translation-pattern , pattern = 775.XXXXXXX , PT = PT-IPIPGW , CSS = CSS-IPIPGW , discard-digit = PREDOT , Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls) = 9 (remember , we want to use the HQ GW for PSTN local calls).
CAVEATS: TEHO calls from BR2 to BR1 area configs:
- on BR2, add voip dial-peer
translation-profile outgoing teho-to-cucm
destination-pattern 9001312.T
session target ipv4:
codec g729r8
dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
no vad
- on HQ gw, add voip dial-peer to forward incoming calls from BR2 to CUCM, but specify g729codec
description ==== handle calls from BR2 , teho to BR1 area
destination-pattern 312.T
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
codec g729r8
dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
- Test by calling from BR2 phones to BR1 area code number. Should see calls coming out of BR1 GW. Note: on CUCM, should set Region for G729 between HQ and BR1 (default is G711).
Tasks to go over before the LAB test - voice exam check list
- DialPlan with GK - posted
- DialPlan with IPIPGW - posted
- DialPlan with COR - done
- DialPlan with Local-route (single RP, translation-pattern, transformation-pattern)
- CME with SCCP - done
- CME with SIP endpoints - need to do SIP
- CUE with CME - posted
- CUE with CUCM - posted
- Extension mobillity - posted
- SNR - posted
- AAR - posted
- Call park, Call pickup, Barge, Callback - done Barge/cBarge, CallBack, callPark, callPickup = not enough phone
- IPMA - posted
- QOS -
- IPCCEx scripting - need to do
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Integrating CUE and CUCM
CUE config:
interface Service-Engine2/0ip unnumbered GigabitEthernet0/0.130
service-module ip address >>> this is the IP addr of CUE
service-module ip default-gateway
ip route Service-Engine2/0
>>> no other config on CUE or IOS router is necessary
Log into CUE module and restore to factory default
BR1#service-module in2/0 sess
NME-CUE# offline
Are you sure you want to go offline[n]? : y
NME-CUE(offline)# restore factory default
After a few minutes, CUE will boot up, fill in the necessary info
Do you wish to start configuration now (y,n)? y
Enter Call Agent
(CME, CCM, or enter to use CME as default): CCM >>>> make sure you select CCM
Selected Call Agent: CCM
Setting Call Agent to CCM in /usr/wfavvid/
Enter administrator user ID:
(user ID): admin
Enter password for admin:
Confirm password for admin by reentering it:
br1-cue# sh software license
- Application mode: CCM
- Total usable system ports: 8 >>>CUE has 8 lic ports, make sure on CUCM, you will add 8 CTI ports ..... hmmmm, maybe 2 CTI ports is good enough . Verified operation on 3/29 with 2 CTI ports.
- Add CTI port on CUCM, under Device/Phone, add new Phone Type = CTI Port, device name = cue1, DP = BR1, location = BR1. Add new DN for the CTI Port, DN = 1601, PT = PT-USA . Repeat for all ports of CUE. Verified operation on 3/29 with 2 CTI ports.
- IMPORTANT : don't forget to config "External Phone Number Mask" for CUE CTI ports and Route-Point , or they won't register in CUCM
- Add CTI Route Point on CUCM, under Device/CTI Route Point, add new CTI RP, device name = BR1-CUE , DP = BR1, location = BR1 , CSS = CSS-GLOBAL. Add new DN for the CTI RP , DN = 1600, PT = PS-USA, CSS = CSS-GLOBAL.
- Add new application user, username = cue , password = cisco , Controlled Devices = cue1, cue1 .... cue8 , BR1-CUE , Groups/Roles = standard CTI enabled, CTI control of all devices, AXL API access. This username = CUE JTAPI username. Controlled Devices = BR1-CUE + cue1 + cue2 ...
- Create new Voicemail Pilot and Profile for CUE - on CUCM , create CUE Voicemail Pilot (DN=1600) and CUE Voicemail Profile . Assign this Voicemail Profile into IP phone (i.e. BR1 Phone1 , br1user1 ...) which wants to use CUE instead of Unity.
- Reload CUE. Re-login into CUE and verify imported users has "Primary Extension , i.e 2001, 1003
- Test by dialing into the IP phone (BR1 phone1) which was setup with the CUE Voicemail Profile above, should get the CUE prompt and MWI led should lit up. If a fast BUSY tone is heard when dialing CUE pilot # , there 're a mismatch of codec between sites (remember that CUE uses SIP and G711 only) . Either change codec relationship in System/Region or add in required Transcoder.
Screen shot of CTI Ports and CTI RP on a working CUCM. Notice that both CTI Ports & CTI RP are registered to CUCM with CUE IP addrs (
Friday, March 12, 2010
CUCM dialplan with GK installed on the HQ router
Tasks to accomplished:
1. Calls from HQ to BR2 should be made over GK trunk with PSTN as backup
2. Calls from HQ to BR2 area/city codes should be made over GK trunk with PSTN as backup
3. Calls from BR2 to HQ should use 4 digits dialing via GK trunk with PSTN as backup
4. Calls from BR2 to HQ area/city codes should be made over GK trunk with PSTN as backup
HQ number = 17752011001
BR2 number = 442321313001 (w/ 011 as international code)
ip address
ip ospf network point-to-point
h323-gateway voip interface
h323-gateway voip id ZONE-01 ipaddr 1719 ==== ip addr of HQ Loop0
h323-gateway voip h323-id BR2
h323-gateway voip tech-prefix 1#
h323-gateway voip bind srcaddr
gateway ==== don't forget to turn on gateway feature
zone local ZONE-01 ==== define GK id
zone prefix ZONE-01 1* gw-priority 9 TRUNK-GK-HQ_1
zone prefix ZONE-01 1* gw-priority 0 BR2 ==== avoid sending calls with prefix 1 to BR2
zone prefix ZONE-01 44* gw-priority 9 BR2
zone prefix ZONE-01 44* gw-priority 0 TRUNK-GK-HQ_1 ==== avoid sending calls with prefix 44 to CUCM
zone prefix ZONE-01 1... gw-priority 10 TRUNK-GK-HQ_1 === this is for HQ internal phones
zone prefix ZONE-01 2... gw-priority 10 TRUNK-GK-HQ_1 === this is for BR1 internal phones
no shutdown
Configure following for those 4 tasks:
1. Task #1 - Calls from HQ to BR2 should be made over GK trunk with PSTN as backup
- device pool = HQ
- Inbound Calls , Significant digits = 4 (so that calls from BR2 to HQ will be stripped to 4 digits)
- Gatekeeper Name = HQ interface Loop0 IP address
- = gateway
- Technology Prefix = 1#
- Zone = ZONE-01
voice translation-rule 200
rule 1 /1#44232131\(....\)/ /\1/
rule 2 /1#4423\(........\)/ /9\1/
rule 3 /1#0114423\(........\)/ /9\1/
voice translation-profile GK-INCOMING
translate called 200
dial-peer voice 2000 voip
translation-profile incoming GK-INCOMING
incoming called-number 1#.T
dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
no vad
codec g729r8
2. Task #2 - Calls from HQ to BR2 area/city codes should be made over GK trunk with PSTN as backup
rule 1 /9001775\(.*\)$/ /1775\1/
rule 2 /9001312\(.*\)$/ /1312\1/
voice translation-profile teho-to-hq-area
translate called 2
dial-peer voice 1004 voip
description ==== teho to HQ area code
translation-profile outgoing teho-to-hq-area
destination-pattern 9001775.T
session target ras
tech-prefix 1#
description ==== abbrev dialing to HQ
destination-pattern 1...$
session target ras
tech-prefix 1#
dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
no vad
! PSTN backup dial-peer
dial-peer voice 3001 pots
description ==== abbrev. dialing to HQ
prefer 2
destination-pattern 1...$
port 1/0:15
prefix 9001775201
1. Calls from HQ to BR2 should be made over GK trunk with PSTN as backup
2. Calls from HQ to BR2 area/city codes should be made over GK trunk with PSTN as backup
3. Calls from BR2 to HQ should use 4 digits dialing via GK trunk with PSTN as backup
4. Calls from BR2 to HQ area/city codes should be made over GK trunk with PSTN as backup
HQ number = 17752011001
BR2 number = 442321313001 (w/ 011 as international code)
- config BR2 as GW
ip address
ip ospf network point-to-point
h323-gateway voip interface
h323-gateway voip id ZONE-01 ipaddr 1719 ==== ip addr of HQ Loop0
h323-gateway voip h323-id BR2
h323-gateway voip tech-prefix 1#
h323-gateway voip bind srcaddr
gateway ==== don't forget to turn on gateway feature
- config HQ for GK
zone local ZONE-01 ==== define GK id
zone prefix ZONE-01 1* gw-priority 9 TRUNK-GK-HQ_1
zone prefix ZONE-01 1* gw-priority 0 BR2 ==== avoid sending calls with prefix 1 to BR2
zone prefix ZONE-01 44* gw-priority 9 BR2
zone prefix ZONE-01 44* gw-priority 0 TRUNK-GK-HQ_1 ==== avoid sending calls with prefix 44 to CUCM
zone prefix ZONE-01 1... gw-priority 10 TRUNK-GK-HQ_1 === this is for HQ internal phones
zone prefix ZONE-01 2... gw-priority 10 TRUNK-GK-HQ_1 === this is for BR1 internal phones
no shutdown
Configure following for those 4 tasks:
1. Task #1 - Calls from HQ to BR2 should be made over GK trunk with PSTN as backup
- In CUCM, add GK with HQ interface Loop0 IP address
- add h.225 (GK controlled) trunk
- device pool = HQ
- Inbound Calls , Significant digits = 4 (so that calls from BR2 to HQ will be stripped to 4 digits)
- Gatekeeper Name = HQ interface Loop0 IP address
- = gateway
- Technology Prefix = 1#
- Zone = ZONE-01
- add GK trunk into a RG
- add RG into RL , name = RL-GK-TO-BR2, first RG = RG-BR2 , Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls) = 1#44232131 , secondary RG = RG-HQ with Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls) = +01144232131 RG-HQ served as PSTN backup from HQ to BR2
- add Route Pattern, Route Pattern = 3XXX, Partition = PT-INTERNAL or PT-USA , Gateway/Route List = RL-GK-TO-BR2 .
voice translation-rule 200
rule 1 /1#44232131\(....\)/ /\1/
rule 2 /1#4423\(........\)/ /9\1/
rule 3 /1#0114423\(........\)/ /9\1/
voice translation-profile GK-INCOMING
translate called 200
dial-peer voice 2000 voip
translation-profile incoming GK-INCOMING
incoming called-number 1#.T
dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
no vad
codec g729r8
2. Task #2 - Calls from HQ to BR2 area/city codes should be made over GK trunk with PSTN as backup
- Add new RL , name = RL-TEHO-HQ-TO-BR2
- First RG = RG-BR2, Discard Digit = predot , Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls) = 1# (remember that user will dial 9 011 4432 XXXXXXXX for BR2 city/area code)
- Second RG = RG-HQ , Discard Digit = predot trailing #
- Add new Route Pattern, pattern = 9.0114423XXXXXXXX# , Gateway/Route List = RL-TEHO-HQ-TO-BR2
- on CUCM , add PT , CSS , to handle incoming call from BR2 . PT = PT-GK-TRUNK , CSS = CSS-GK-TRUNK with PT-INTERNAL + PT-GK-TRUNK + PT-HQ-LOCAL + PT-HQ-LD _ PT-BR1-LOCAL + PT-BR1-LD
- Add Translation-Pattern 1#1775.XXXXXXX (pt = pt-gk-trunk , css=css-gk-trunk).
Discard PREDOT , prefix = 9 . Repeat for BR1 area code - Add Translation-Pattern 1#.XXXX (pt = pt-gk-trunk , css=css-internal) . Discard PREDOT. This is for HQ and BR1 internal phones
- Change TRUNK-GK-HQ with CSS = CSS-GK-TRUNK , Significant Digits = ALL
- configure BR2 dial-peer for abbrev. dialing to 1XXX & TEHO dialing to HQ area
rule 1 /9001775\(.*\)$/ /1775\1/
rule 2 /9001312\(.*\)$/ /1312\1/
voice translation-profile teho-to-hq-area
translate called 2
dial-peer voice 1004 voip
description ==== teho to HQ area code
translation-profile outgoing teho-to-hq-area
destination-pattern 9001775.T
session target ras
tech-prefix 1#
description ==== abbrev dialing to HQ
destination-pattern 1...$
session target ras
tech-prefix 1#
dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
no vad
! PSTN backup dial-peer
dial-peer voice 3001 pots
description ==== abbrev. dialing to HQ
prefer 2
destination-pattern 1...$
port 1/0:15
prefix 9001775201
CME MWI interwork with CUE
Remember that CME signaling is SCCP in nature and using G729r8 while CUE only supports SIP and G711u.
To get MWI working between CME and CUE, perform following:
rule 1 /^.*\(3500\)$/ /\1/
rule 2 /^.*\(3555\)$/ /\1/
voice translation-profile TO-VM
translate calling 400
translate called 400
translate redirect-target 400
translate redirect-called 400
allow-connections h323 to h323
allow-connections h323 to sip
allow-connections sip to h323
allow-connections sip to sip
description ==== to VM
destination-pattern 3500
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay sip-notify
codec g711ulaw
no vad
description ==== VM
translation-profile incoming TO-VM
translation-profile outgoing TO-VM
max-conn 3
destination-pattern 21313500
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay sip-notify
codec g711ulaw
no vad
description ==== MWI on and off
incoming called-number 399[8,9]....
codec g711ulaw
no vad
num-exp 3500 21313500
num-exp 3555 21313555
disable-early-media 180
! the usual CME config
max-ephones 10
max-dn 40
ip source-address port 2000
dialplan-pattern 1 21313... extension-length 4 no-reg
voicemail 3500
number 3998....
mwi on
ephone-dn 6
number 3999....
mwi off
To get MWI working between CME and CUE, perform following:
! dont forget the ever-important voice translation-rule
voice translation-rule 400rule 1 /^.*\(3500\)$/ /\1/
rule 2 /^.*\(3555\)$/ /\1/
voice translation-profile TO-VM
translate calling 400
translate called 400
translate redirect-target 400
translate redirect-called 400
! enable SIP and H323 intersignaling
voice service voip allow-connections h323 to h323
allow-connections h323 to sip
allow-connections sip to h323
allow-connections sip to sip
bind control source-interface GigabitEthernet0/0.230 ==== do not use Loopback0
bind media source-interface GigabitEthernet0/0.230 ==== or MWI won't work
! add a dial-peer to make sure calls to VM is using SIP and G711u
dial-peer voice 3500 voipdescription ==== to VM
destination-pattern 3500
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay sip-notify
codec g711ulaw
no vad
! add dial-peer to handle calls from PSTN to VM
dial-peer voice 21313500 voipdescription ==== VM
translation-profile incoming TO-VM
translation-profile outgoing TO-VM
max-conn 3
destination-pattern 21313500
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay sip-notify
codec g711ulaw
no vad
! add this dial-peer to make sure MWI calls from CUE to CME is using G711u, otherwise MWI wont work
dial-peer voice 3998 voipdescription ==== MWI on and off
incoming called-number 399[8,9]....
codec g711ulaw
no vad
num-exp 3500 21313500
num-exp 3555 21313555
disable-early-media 180
! the usual CME config
max-ephones 10
max-dn 40
ip source-address port 2000
dialplan-pattern 1 21313... extension-length 4 no-reg
voicemail 3500
! add MWI number , notice that MWI is in this format XXXX.... (XXXX = mwi number, .... = user number)
ephone-dn 5number 3998....
mwi on
ephone-dn 6
number 3999....
mwi off
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Extension Mobility made easy - 20 minutes
Cisco Extension Mobility allows users to temporarily access their Cisco IP Phone configuration such as line appearances, services, and speed dials from other Cisco IP Phones.
1. Add new phone service , name it "Extention Mobility" - Device/Device Setting/Phone Services
Use following URL for ext-mobility : http://yourCUCM_ip_addr:8080/emapp/EMAppServlet?device=#DEVICENAME# . You can get this URL from the CUCM help menu
2. Add new "Device Profile" for your IP phone , let 's name it "EM-7970" under menu Device/Device Setting/Device Profile . This device profile is dependent on the type of IP phone you have , ie. 7970 , 7960 ... So if you have 2 different types of IP phones, you need to create 2 separate Device profiles, i.e EM-7970, EM-7960 ... Add DN to this Device-Profile, for ex: DN=1002, PT = PT-internal. Also need to subscribe this "Device Profile" to Ex-Mo service (otherwise user cannot log out of Ex-Mo).
3. Configure end-user - under menu User Management/End Users, add new user or open an existing user, select Extension Mobility Available Profile "EM-7970" (added in step 2). Make sure the usual end-user groups (CTI enabled, CCM user ...) are configured, "allow control of device from CTI" BOX is checked and user is associated to a Phone (Controlled Device).
4. Configure IP phone - under menu Device / Phone, select a phone. Checked on BOX labeled "Enabled Extention Mobility" and select Log out profile to "EM-7970" (configured in step 2). Subscribe phone to "Extention Mobility" service (configured in step 1). Reset phone as needed.
5. To test EM, on a same type IP phone , i.e. 7970, select service button. Phone should prompt with UserID and PIN # to log in. Once user is successfully logged in, phone will reset with correct softkey and button template.
1. Add new phone service , name it "Extention Mobility" - Device/Device Setting/Phone Services
Use following URL for ext-mobility : http://yourCUCM_ip_addr:8080/emapp/EMAppServlet?device=#DEVICENAME# . You can get this URL from the CUCM help menu
2. Add new "Device Profile" for your IP phone , let 's name it "EM-7970" under menu Device/Device Setting/Device Profile . This device profile is dependent on the type of IP phone you have , ie. 7970 , 7960 ... So if you have 2 different types of IP phones, you need to create 2 separate Device profiles, i.e EM-7970, EM-7960 ... Add DN to this Device-Profile, for ex: DN=1002, PT = PT-internal. Also need to subscribe this "Device Profile" to Ex-Mo service (otherwise user cannot log out of Ex-Mo).
3. Configure end-user - under menu User Management/End Users, add new user or open an existing user, select Extension Mobility Available Profile "EM-7970" (added in step 2). Make sure the usual end-user groups (CTI enabled, CCM user ...) are configured, "allow control of device from CTI" BOX is checked and user is associated to a Phone (Controlled Device).
4. Configure IP phone - under menu Device / Phone, select a phone. Checked on BOX labeled "Enabled Extention Mobility" and select Log out profile to "EM-7970" (configured in step 2). Subscribe phone to "Extention Mobility" service (configured in step 1). Reset phone as needed.
5. To test EM, on a same type IP phone , i.e. 7970, select service button. Phone should prompt with UserID and PIN # to log in. Once user is successfully logged in, phone will reset with correct softkey and button template.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
ISDN L2 on HQ did not came up after configure MGCP
On this particular instance whereas after I configured ISDN MGCP on the HQ router and ISDN layer2 did not came up. After checking with the obvious CLI such as "show mgcp endpoint , show mgcp status , show ccm-manager host" and realize everything looked good. Decided to reload the router and that fixed the problem
HQ#sh isdn sta
Global ISDN Switchtype = primary-ni
%Q.931 is backhauled to CCM MANAGER 0x0003 on DSL 0. Layer 3 output may not apply
ISDN Serial1/0:23 interface
dsl 0, interface ISDN Switchtype = primary-ni
L2 Protocol = Q.921 0x0000 L3 Protocol(s) = CCM MANAGER 0x0003
Layer 1 Status:
Layer 2 Status:
TEI = 0, Ces = 1, SAPI = 0, State = TEI_ASSIGNED
HQ#sh mgcp end
Interface T1 1/0
S1/ds1-0/1@HQ 1/0:23 none up
S1/ds1-0/2@HQ 1/0:23 none up
S1/ds1-0/3@HQ 1/0:23 none up
Interface T1 1/1
HQ#sh mgcp stat
IP address based Call Agents statistics:
IP address, Total msg rx 77,
successful 68, failed 9
HQ#sh ccm-manager hosts
MGCP Domain Name: HQ
Priority Status Host
Primary Registered
First Backup None
Second Backup None
HQ#sh isdn sta
Global ISDN Switchtype = primary-ni
%Q.931 is backhauled to CCM MANAGER 0x0003 on DSL 0. Layer 3 output may not apply
ISDN Serial1/0:23 interface
dsl 0, interface ISDN Switchtype = primary-ni
L2 Protocol = Q.921 0x0000 L3 Protocol(s) = CCM MANAGER 0x0003
Layer 1 Status:
Layer 2 Status:
TEI = 0, Ces = 1, SAPI = 0, State = TEI_ASSIGNED
HQ#sh mgcp end
Interface T1 1/0
S1/ds1-0/1@HQ 1/0:23 none up
S1/ds1-0/2@HQ 1/0:23 none up
S1/ds1-0/3@HQ 1/0:23 none up
Interface T1 1/1
HQ#sh mgcp stat
IP address based Call Agents statistics:
IP address, Total msg rx 77,
successful 68, failed 9
HQ#sh ccm-manager hosts
MGCP Domain Name: HQ
Priority Status Host
Primary Registered
First Backup None
Second Backup None
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Call-manager-fallback config for SRST and non-SRST modes
For H323 GW interworking with CUCM cluster, User needs to config dial-peers in order to handle in/out calls from PSTN. For ex:
dial-pee voice 1 pots ==== to handle incoming calls from PSTN
incoming called .
port 1/0:23
dial-p voice 3120 voip ==== to forward calls to CUCM
destination-pat 1312301....$
session target ipv4:
pref 1
dial-p v 900 pots
desc ==== local ==== note that this dial-peer does NOT have prefix 9 because CM strips digit 9
destination-pat [2-9]......$
port 1/0:23
In SRST mode, any local call with 7 digit would fail if call-manager-fallback is configured with secondary-dialtone 9
To get around this issue configure voice translation-rule to strip out digit 9 when dial-out of PSTN
voice translation-rule 100
rule 1 /^9\(.*\)$/ /\1/ <<< strip any string of digit beginning with 9
voice translation-profile SRST-LOCAL
translate called 100
translation-profile incoming SRST-LOCAL
Also, add translation-rule to trim incoming 10 digits to 4 digit
voice translation-rule 1
rule 1 /^312301\(....\)$/ /\1/ ==== strip out all digits except last 4
voice translation-profile DID
translate called 1
dial-peer voice 1 pots
translation-profile incoming DID
incoming called-number .
port 1/0:23
In case SRST still did not work without adding digit 9 in the POTS dial-peer, add CLI "access-code pri 9 direct-inward-dial" into call-manager-fallback config. Below is full config for call-manager-fallback:
voice translation-rule 1
rule 1 /^1312301\(....\)/ /\1/
rule 2 /^312301\(....\)/ /\1/
voice translation-profile DID
translate called 1
service alternate default
service alternate default
dial-peer voice 1 pots
translation-profile incoming DID
incoming called-number .
port 1/0:23
dial-peer voice 911 pots
description ==== 911
destination-pattern 911
port 1/0:23
forward-digits 3
dial-peer voice 1000 pots
description ==== local
destination-pattern [2-9]......$
port 1/0:23
dial-peer voice 1001 pots
description ==== LD
destination-pattern 1[2-9]..[2-9]......$
port 1/0:23
prefix 1
dial-peer voice 1002 pots
description ==== INTL
destination-pattern 011.T
port 1/0:23
prefix 011
dial-peer voice 2 voip
description ==== to CUCM pub
preference 1
destination-pattern 312301....$
session target ipv4:
dial-peer voice 3 voip
description ==== to CUCM sub
preference 2
destination-pattern 312301....$
session target ipv4:
timer receive-rtp 1200
secondary-dialtone 9
max-conferences 12 gain -6
transfer-system full-consult
ip source-address port 2000
max-ephones 2
max-dn 4
system message primary SRST@BR1
dialplan-pattern 1 3123012... extension-length 4
transfer-pattern .T
access-code pri 9 direct-inward-dial
voicemail 917752011500
call-forward pattern .T
call-forward busy 917752011500
call-forward noan 917752011500 timeout 10
dial-pee voice 1 pots ==== to handle incoming calls from PSTN
incoming called .
port 1/0:23
dial-p voice 3120 voip ==== to forward calls to CUCM
destination-pat 1312301....$
session target ipv4:
pref 1
dial-p v 900 pots
desc ==== local ==== note that this dial-peer does NOT have prefix 9 because CM strips digit 9
destination-pat [2-9]......$
port 1/0:23
In SRST mode, any local call with 7 digit would fail if call-manager-fallback is configured with secondary-dialtone 9
To get around this issue configure voice translation-rule to strip out digit 9 when dial-out of PSTN
voice translation-rule 100
rule 1 /^9\(.*\)$/ /\1/ <<< strip any string of digit beginning with 9
voice translation-profile SRST-LOCAL
translate called 100
translation-profile incoming SRST-LOCAL
Also, add translation-rule to trim incoming 10 digits to 4 digit
voice translation-rule 1
rule 1 /^312301\(....\)$/ /\1/ ==== strip out all digits except last 4
voice translation-profile DID
translate called 1
dial-peer voice 1 pots
translation-profile incoming DID
incoming called-number .
port 1/0:23
In case SRST still did not work without adding digit 9 in the POTS dial-peer, add CLI "access-code pri 9 direct-inward-dial" into call-manager-fallback config. Below is full config for call-manager-fallback:
voice translation-rule 1
rule 1 /^1312301\(....\)/ /\1/
rule 2 /^312301\(....\)/ /\1/
voice translation-profile DID
translate called 1
service alternate default
service alternate default
dial-peer voice 1 pots
translation-profile incoming DID
incoming called-number .
port 1/0:23
dial-peer voice 911 pots
description ==== 911
destination-pattern 911
port 1/0:23
forward-digits 3
dial-peer voice 1000 pots
description ==== local
destination-pattern [2-9]......$
port 1/0:23
dial-peer voice 1001 pots
description ==== LD
destination-pattern 1[2-9]..[2-9]......$
port 1/0:23
prefix 1
dial-peer voice 1002 pots
description ==== INTL
destination-pattern 011.T
port 1/0:23
prefix 011
dial-peer voice 2 voip
description ==== to CUCM pub
preference 1
destination-pattern 312301....$
session target ipv4:
dial-peer voice 3 voip
description ==== to CUCM sub
preference 2
destination-pattern 312301....$
session target ipv4:
timer receive-rtp 1200
secondary-dialtone 9
max-conferences 12 gain -6
transfer-system full-consult
ip source-address port 2000
max-ephones 2
max-dn 4
system message primary SRST@BR1
dialplan-pattern 1 3123012... extension-length 4
transfer-pattern .T
access-code pri 9 direct-inward-dial
voicemail 917752011500
call-forward pattern .T
call-forward busy 917752011500
call-forward noan 917752011500 timeout 10
Single Number Reach - aka SNR in 5 minutes
SNR - single number reach in 5 minutes
1. Config End-user hquser3, choose "Enable Mobility" and associate user with device (phone3)
2. On Menu device/device setting/softkey template, copy standard user template to Mobile user template. Click on "configure softkey layout" link. Add Mobility softkey to on-hook and connected states.
3. Config hqphone3 with Mobility softkey-template, and turn "Device Mobility Mode" ON
4. Add new device/device setting/remote destination profile - ex: hquser3.
- userid = hquser3
- DP = DP-HQ
- CSS = CSS-global
5. Add new DN 1003 on remote destination profile ,
- PT = PT-USA (same PT as hqphone3/Line1)
then save
6. Add Associated Remote Destinations
- check both Mobile Phone & Enable Mobile Connect
- destination number = 918005553333
7. Make sure Association Information - Line Association BOX is checked
8. Test by dial 1003, external phone 18005553333 should ring. Otherwise, reset hqphone3 and recheck config
1. Config End-user hquser3, choose "Enable Mobility" and associate user with device (phone3)
2. On Menu device/device setting/softkey template, copy standard user template to Mobile user template. Click on "configure softkey layout" link. Add Mobility softkey to on-hook and connected states.
3. Config hqphone3 with Mobility softkey-template, and turn "Device Mobility Mode" ON
4. Add new device/device setting/remote destination profile - ex: hquser3.
- userid = hquser3
- DP = DP-HQ
- CSS = CSS-global
5. Add new DN 1003 on remote destination profile ,
- PT = PT-USA (same PT as hqphone3/Line1)
then save
6. Add Associated Remote Destinations
- check both Mobile Phone & Enable Mobile Connect
- destination number = 918005553333
7. Make sure Association Information - Line Association BOX is checked
8. Test by dial 1003, external phone 18005553333 should ring. Otherwise, reset hqphone3 and recheck config
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Install CUPC in 10 minutes
1. on CM create a PresenceSIP trunk with DP-HQ and location.
2. use same hquser1 (or hqphone1) for Presence, verify that hquser1 is associated to HQphone1 device and belong to Standard CTI enabled group. Also verify HQphone1 device "Owner User ID" is hquser1
3. add Application User CtiGw with CTI enabled and control of all CTI devices
4. verify System/Service Parameters/CUP Publish Trunk is set to PresenceSIP trunk name
5. set CM license capability for users to CUP & CUPC
6. add presence as an application server in CM
7. Bring up Presence and add in CM info . Need CM security password
8. Config CUP system/security/incoming & outgoing ACL to ALL
9. set CUP system/service parameters proxy-domain to
10. add CM as a Presence gateway under menu Presence/Gateway
11. configure routing at Presence/Routing to Default Cisco SIP Proxy TCP Listener
12. set TFTP server under Application/CUPC/Settings with CM IP address and Default Cisco SIP Proxy TCP Listener
13. under Application/CUPC/User Setting , select hquser1 and sign CTI profile to DP-HQ_cti_tcp_profile_synced_000. If user hquser1 is not present, verify CM and CUPS sync in previous steps
14. on Application/Desktop Control/Settings, set status to ON and fill in rest of info for CtiGw user
Verify with CUPC Desktop control on the local PC
2. use same hquser1 (or hqphone1) for Presence, verify that hquser1 is associated to HQphone1 device and belong to Standard CTI enabled group. Also verify HQphone1 device "Owner User ID" is hquser1
3. add Application User CtiGw with CTI enabled and control of all CTI devices
4. verify System/Service Parameters/CUP Publish Trunk is set to PresenceSIP trunk name
5. set CM license capability for users to CUP & CUPC
6. add presence as an application server in CM
7. Bring up Presence and add in CM info . Need CM security password
8. Config CUP system/security/incoming & outgoing ACL to ALL
9. set CUP system/service parameters proxy-domain to
10. add CM as a Presence gateway under menu Presence/Gateway
11. configure routing at Presence/Routing to Default Cisco SIP Proxy TCP Listener
12. set TFTP server under Application/CUPC/Settings with CM IP address and Default Cisco SIP Proxy TCP Listener
13. under Application/CUPC/User Setting , select hquser1 and sign CTI profile to DP-HQ_cti_tcp_profile_synced_000. If user hquser1 is not present, verify CM and CUPS sync in previous steps
14. on Application/Desktop Control/Settings, set status to ON and fill in rest of info for CtiGw user
Verify with CUPC Desktop control on the local PC
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